Commercial Restoration

Commercial Facade Matching Grant

Having a cleaned-up ‘front door’ will create a more attractive environment and showcase the many amenities of Franklin, Indiana.

A revitalized historic downtown and improved designated commercial areas will

  • attract new business, new residents and new visitors

  • increase demand for retail space and housing in downtown Franklin and across the city

  • boost residential and commercial property values

Let's Talk About Your Project


Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

What to Know

  • Grants shall be limited to no more than 50 percent of the total cost of eligible improvements.
  • Grants shall not exceed $25,000 per 19 linear feet of publicly visible façade, up to a maximum of $50,000.
  • Any projects totaling less than $1,000 are not eligible.
  • Projects shall be completed within 9 months.
Integrated Economic Development Area Qualification

This program is limited to commercial structures located within these designated districts.


Please call 317.736.3631 to confirm the location.

Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

Commercial Facade Grant Application

Complete and submit your application to our office at Franklin City Hall.


Click here for the grant cycle application deadlines and the Loan Committee meeting dates.

Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

Commercial Revolving Loan Fund

The Commercial Revolving Loan Fund (CRLF) program is similar to the Residential Revolving Loan Fund program but focuses on commercial properties.

This low-interest loan fund is designed to encourage business owners and commercial property owners to invest in commercial properties in Franklin’s historic downtown and within the Integrated Economic Development Area.

The improvement of these commercial properties will

  • attract additional businesses to the downtown area

  • encourage residents to purchase homes in the downtown area to be nearer to these businesses

  • generate additional investment into properties throughout the city
Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

What to Know

  • The Commercial Revolving Loan Fund is intended to encourage investment in downtown commercial properties.
  • Many of these property owners may not be able to get loan approval from traditional lending sources; therefore, this program is designed to fill in the gap.
  • The FDC will not provide financing to borrowers who have no reasonable ability to repay the loan. It is not the FDC’s intent to cause a borrower to lose his/her property due to an improvement project.
  • A prudent, but generous approach will be taken with respect to underwriting guidelines.
  • Property owners are only eligible for one commercial loan at a time.
Integrated Economic Development Area Qualification

This program is limited to commercial structures located within these designated districts.


Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

Commercial Revolving Loan Application

Complete and submit your application to our office at Franklin City Hall. 


Click here for the grant cycle application deadlines and the Loan Committee meeting dates.

Contractor Information

See how you can find an Approved Contractor, become an Approved Contractor and view the Commercial and Residential Architectural Guidelines.


Franklin Development Corporation Indiana

Commercial Project Gallery